Android Custom Spinner Tutorial
Spinner is a drop-down menu that displays multiple items to be able user to select an item from the menu....
Spinner is a drop-down menu that displays multiple items to be able user to select an item from the menu....
In Android Studio, Its support 2 type of Testing which are Unit and Instrumental test. What difference between unit and...
Bottom Sheet is the new material design widget and it is a simple bottom window display in the bottom of the...
A Dialog Fragment is a fragment that can be use as a fragment and also showing as a dialog in your...
Google have announce new Firebase Real-time Database for multiple platform such as Android, IOS and Websites. It is a cloud...
Beside using SQL query to retrieve data from database, you can also use a database Object Relational Mapper (ORM) Eloquent to...
XML is extensible markup language which largely use for android layout and sharing data. XML is one of the popular...
Animation is a process of making motion and changes on the user interfaces. Therefore, Animation is important when come to create...
MVP Model View Presenter is the best and most suitable architectural patterns for android development. There have many architectural patterns and why...
RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) is one of the best secure encryption algorithms that is currently used by many developers. This algorithm involves four steps...